
Wednesday, 6 May 2015


Understanding may mean different things to individuals, since each person receives and interprets

Information in unique ways because of emotions and experiences encountered. A statement might

Sound sweet and caring to someone and the reverse may mean an uncaring feeling to another. Most at

Times, the reason human relationships go sour be it platonic, agape, romantic or business is simply

Because of a lack of understanding of what the other meant or the intentions of their actions.

It may be appropriate to say understanding and patience work hand in hand. The saying “be quick to

Listen and be slow to speak or act” is a perfect description of the former. I wonder at times if people

Actually think before they speak or act or they just respond to situations on impulse. These days

Everybody seems so much in a hurry that decisions and actions are beginning to lack thought processes.

The street of Lagos is filled with hasty drivers and pedestrians; you should believe you are the only sane

Person on the road and every other person is a mad man and you have to be vigilante. Lives and

Properties have been lost to accidents caused by a lack of patience or understanding someone’s actions.

Drivers over taking cars on opposite lanes, pedestrians crossing roads without looking ahead for

Incoming vehicles, a random slam on the breaks from a driver because of a pedestrian, drivers beating

The traffic lights are just a few impatient activities by people.

In office environments, an absence of understanding colleagues and impatience has done more damage

To businesses than the challenges the business faces itself.  Communication is an exchange of

Information from one person or thing to another. Office duties assigned to an individual from a boss to a

Subordinate has resulted into lower productivity and performance rate, insults and slow learning

Process because the former cannot understand the pressures of the job to the subordinate and the

Latter loathes the authority of the boss, all because they fail to be understanding and patient with each

Other to respect themselves as individuals and colleagues.

A romantic relationship between two people who love, care and understand one another will only thrive

Stronger and bask in sweet passions because the very foundation of their love is built on understanding

And patience.  A lady will be kind and empathetic with the humble beginnings of a young man who gives

All his efforts to make conditions right for the relationship they have to work. She will care and support

Him every day and not harass or nag him for things that are beyond his control.

Understanding and patience play big roles in our society, with both; humans will be able to compromise

And endure one another. A final word will be the story of the sun and the moon, a story where the sun

Loved the moon so much, he died every night to let her breathe.

by Olayeye oluwasegun


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