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With Ovie
With Ovie
Joshua 1:8
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night...for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and thou shalt have good success.
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night...for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and thou shalt have good success.
Joshua 1:8 reveals that the way you get prosperity and good success in every area of your life is to take the Word of God and meditate on it to the degree that it saturates what you think about, what you talk about, and how you act.
You may be thinking, But Ovie, I work a job. I can’t meditate on the Word day and night. Most people don’t believe that you can literally meditate on the Word of God day and night. They think that this is a totally impractical demand. They don’t understand the true definition of meditation. Meditation is simply focusing your attention on something to the point that it never leaves your consciousness.
Worry is meditation. It’s just meditation on something negative or evil. In your career, you could be busy, yet in your mind you may still be thinking, How is this situation going to work out? How am I going to pay for this? You could be sitting there working, yet have something else occupying your mind. You’re worrying about this issue day and night. If you’re honest, there have probably been times when certain problems have bothered you to the point where you dream about them. That’s worry, which is a form of meditation.
The part of you that worries is the same part of you that meditates. Meditation is just focused on positive things.
You can take a passage of scripture, read it, and then meditate on it the rest of the day and night while attending to your responsibilities. You can be thinking on the Word and considering, How does this apply to me? while you’re going about your daily activities.
It’s one thing to read passage, but it’s another thing to go deeper and meditate on it
It’s one thing to read passage, but it’s another thing to go deeper and meditate on it
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— CORAZON (@Corazon_cares) January 16, 2015
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